during the World Water Week in Stockholm. The seminar is intended to
draw the international attention on the relationships between water and
food security.

The World Water Day in 2012 is intended to draw the international attention on the relationships between water & food security. "Food security exists when all people, at all times, have physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life" and water is one of the fundamental input factor to the food production. Food security has been raising the international political agenda following the peak prices of 2008 and the financial crisis of 2009. Since then, the raising commodity price level continued volatility have destabilised food security in several countries. Future population growth, urbanisation, changing diets and development pressure on land and water (including resources allocated to biofuel production) and energy cost increase are all conducive to a progressive and severe water scarcity that will in turn undermine the food security. At the same time, climate changes are expected to impact the most food insecure populations first. More >>>